Bin Chicken ?

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Ah, the “bin chicken” — a term of endearment for Australia’s most notorious scavenger, the ibis. These birds, originally revered in ancient Egypt, clearly misunderstood their tourist visa and decided to make Australia their permanent dumpster-diving haven. Characterized by their long, curved beaks perfect for foraging in bins, the ibis has lovingly been renamed the “bin chicken” due to its less-than-glamorous dining habits. You’ll spot them strutting around like they own the place, often sporting a look that says, “What? I’m recycling!” Despite their ecological contributions, their reputation isn’t exactly stellar. Locals view them as feathered pests with the tenacity of a tax auditor and the boldness of a reality TV star. Whether they’re gatecrashing picnics, terrorizing outdoor cafes, or conducting orchestras of squawks, the bin chicken is a true Aussie icon — like it or not. Their unapologetic survival skills have earned them a grudging respect and a legendary status in urban folklore.